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Metube Project is to build a database-driven media-file sharing website similar to Youtube. But unlike YouTube system in which video is the only media type hosted, the content of MeTube system includes graphics objects, video, audio, images, and animation clips.

Source codes and techniqal report can be found in Github repository.


We implement MeTube based on MySQL and PHP language.

Using MeTube system, users are able to upload to MeTube, while visitors cannot upload any medias. In the MeTube, users can view/download multimedia files that are allowed to view/download.

When a user uploads a media file, Meta information about the media file should also be input. The Meta information includes the title and description of the media file, and keywords used for searching the media file. The user can also specify how to share the media file with others (e.g., share with everybody or just friends, allow discussion or not, allow rating or not, etc.).

Users can also organize media files they viewed into playlists. A user can create many playlists. All media files uploaded by a user are organized into a broadcasting channel that other users can subscribe to. A user can also create a favorite list of media files. A user can subscribe to any channel created by another user. Besides the password, email options, and personal information, a user can also create contact lists which contain the account information of friends and other contacts. A user can also block another user from viewing/downloading the media files he/she uploaded. A user can invite friends to view/download media files through a simple messaging system.

This messaging system works as a web-based email system with which users can send, receive, reply, and manage messages. A user can also create or join a group in which users share interests, exchange media files and discuss them. Once a user joins a group, it can start a discussion topic or post comments on a discussion topic.

Any user can search MeTube system based on keywords or media file features (such as dates uploaded, file size, data format, etc.). Users can also browse media files by category, time, popularity, etc. After a user finishes viewing a media file, the user can rate the media file based on his/her viewing experience. A user can also make comments on a particular media file if the user who uploaded the media file enabled the discussion option for the media file. When a user selects a media file to view, links to other related media files should be provided (This is called media file recommendation).